Tall Oaks: Living The Retirement Dream
Every day approximately 10,000 people enter retirement in the US. Most are part of the Baby Boomer generation (those born between 1946 and 1964). They have saved for years in order to be at a financial point where they feel comfortable that their retirement income sources will sustain them for the remainder of their lives. At first most are extremely happy being retired. The absence of work and the freedom to control their personal time are exhilarating. However, once this “Honeymoon Phase” of retirement ends many will find themselves searching for how to fill their day and redefine purpose in their lives. This book provides a blue print that the author created that allows retirees to plan for how they can manage their day to day activities in order to not only achieve but maintain an environment of happiness. The author shares how he used that blue print to create what he refers to as his “Non-financial Retirement Plan” and how he and his wife have applied it to their retirement in order to “Live the Retirement Dream”.